Verb details

Meaning:ghaazGaaZ  غا َظ


for actions that happened in the past

I teased'ana gheeztaacnaa GyZt أنا َ غيظت
We teased'ihna gheeznaiicHnaa GyZnaa إحنا َ غيظنا
You(m) teased'inta gheeztiicnta GyZt إنت َ غيظت
You(f) teased'inti gheeztiiicnti GyZty إنت ِ غيظتي
You(pl) teased'intu gheeztuiicntoo GyZtoo إنتوا غيظتوا
He/it(m) teasedhuwa ghaazhuwa GaaZ هـُو َ غا َظ
She/it(f) teasedhiya ghaazithiya GaaZit هـِي َ غا َظـِت
They teasedhumma ghazuhumma GaaZoo هـُمّ َ غا َظوا


used with modals (must, should, could, want to...

I might tease'ana yimkin 'agheezaacnaa yimkin aacGyZ أنا َ يـِمكـِن أغيظ
We might tease'ihna yimkin nigheeziicHnaa yimkin niGyZ إحنا َ يـِمكـِن نـِغيظ
You(m) might tease'inta yimkin tigheeziicnta yimkin tiGyZ إنت َ يـِمكـِن تـِغيظ
You(f) might tease'inti yimkin tigheeziiicnti yimkin tiGyZy إنت ِ يـِمكـِن تـِغيظي
You(pl) might tease'intu yimkin tigheezuiicntoo yimkin tiGyZoo إنتوا يـِمكـِن تـِغيظوا
He/it(m) might teasehuwa yimkin yigheezhuwa yimkin yiGyZ هـُو َ يـِمكـِن يـِغيظ
She/it(f) might teasehiya yimkin tigheezhiya yimkin tiGyZ هـِي َ يـِمكـِن تـِغيظ
They might teasehumma yimkin yigheezuhumma yimkin yiGyZoo هـُمّ َ يـِمكـِن يـِغيظوا


for actions happening now and habitual actions

I tease'ana bagheezaacnaa baGyZ أنا َ بـَغيظ
We tease'ihna bingheeziicHnaa binGyZ إحنا َ بـِنغيظ
You(m) tease'inta bitgheeziicnta bitGyZ إنت َ بـِتغيظ
You(f) tease'inti bitgheeziiicnti bitGyZy إنت ِ بـِتغيظي
You(pl) tease'intu bitgheezuiicntoo bitGyZoo إنتوا بـِتغيظوا
He/it(m) teaseshuwa biyigheezhuwa biyiGyZ هـُو َ بـِيـِغيظ
She/it(f) teaseshiya bitgheezhiya bitGyZ هـِي َ بـِتغيظ
They teasehumma biyigheezuhumma biyiGyZoo هـُمّ َ بـِيـِغيظوا


for actions that will happen in the future

I will tease'ana hagheezaacnaa haGyZ أنا َ هـَغيظ
We will tease'ihna hangheeziicHnaa hanGyZ إحنا َ هـَنغيظ
You(m) will tease'inta hatgheeziicnta hatGyZ إنت َ هـَتغيظ
You(f) will tease'inti hatgheeziiicnti hatGyZy إنت ِ هـَتغيظي
You(pl) will tease'intu hatgheezuiicntoo hatGyZoo إنتوا هـَتغيظوا
He/it(m) will teasehuwa hayigheezhuwa hayiGyZ هـُو َ هـَيـِغيظ
She/it(f) will teasehiya hatgheezhiya hatGyZ هـِي َ هـَتغيظ
They will teasehumma hayigheezuhumma hayiGyZoo هـُمّ َ هـَيـِغيظوا


telling somebody to do something

You(m) tease!gheezGyZ غيظ
You(f) tease!gheeziGyZy غيظي
You(pl) tease!gheezuGyZoo غيظوا

Active Participle

for some actions happening now (movement, thinking, sense)

I(m) am teasing'ana ghaayizaacnaa GaayiZ أنا َ غا َيـِظ
I(f) am teasing'ana ghaayizaaacnaa GaayiZaö أنا َ غا َيـِظـَة
We are teasing'ihna ghaayizeeniicHnaa GaayiZyn إحنا َ غا َيـِظين
You(m) are teasing'inta ghaayiziicnta GaayiZ إنت َ غا َيـِظ
You(f) are teasing'inti ghaayizaiicnti GaayiZaö إنت ِ غا َيـِظـَة
You(pl) are teasing'intu ghaayizeeniicntoo GaayiZyn إنتوا غا َيـِظين
He/it(m) is teasinghuwa ghaayizhuwa GaayiZ هـُو َ غا َيـِظ
She/it(f) is teasinghiya ghaayizahiya GaayiZaö هـِي َ غا َيـِظـَة
They are teasinghumma ghaayizeenhumma GaayiZyn هـُمّ َ غا َيـِظين

Passive Participle

when something has been acted upon

He/it(m) is teasedhuwa mitghaazhuwa mitGaaZ هـُو َ مـِتغا َظ
She/it(f) is teasedhiya mitghaazahiya mitGaaZaö هـِي َ مـِتغا َظـَة
They are teasedhumma mitghazeenhumma mitGaaZyn هـُمّ َ مـِتغا َظين