Verb details

Word:haeribHaerib  حا َر ِب


for actions that happened in the past

I fought'ana haeribtaacnaa Haeribt أنا َ حا َر ِبت
We fought'ihna haeribnaiicHnaa Haeribnaa إحنا َ حا َر ِبنا
You(m) fought'inta haeribtiicnta Haeribt إنت َ حا َر ِبت
You(f) fought'inti haeribtiiicnti Haeribty إنت ِ حا َر ِبتي
You(pl) fought'intu haeribtuiicntoo Haeribtoo إنتوا حا َر ِبتوا
He/it(m) foughthuwa haeribhuwa Haerib هـُو َ حا َر ِب
She/it(f) foughthiya harbithiya Haerbit هـِي َ حا َربـِت
They foughthumma haeribuhumma Haeriboo هـُمّ َ حا َر ِبوا


used with modals (must, should, could, want to...

I might fight'ana yimkin 'ahaeribaacnaa yimkin aacHaerib أنا َ يـِمكـِن أحا َر ِب
We might fight'ihna yimkin nihaeribiicHnaa yimkin niHaerib إحنا َ يـِمكـِن نـِحا َر ِب
You(m) might fight'inta yimkin tihaeribiicnta yimkin tiHaerib إنت َ يـِمكـِن تـِحا َر ِب
You(f) might fight'inti yimkin tiharbiiicnti yimkin tiHaerby إنت ِ يـِمكـِن تـِحا َربي
You(pl) might fight'intu yimkin tiharbuiicntoo yimkin tiHaerboo إنتوا يـِمكـِن تـِحا َربوا
He/it(m) might fighthuwa yimkin yihaeribhuwa yimkin yiHaerib هـُو َ يـِمكـِن يـِحا َر ِب
She/it(f) might fighthiya yimkin tihaeribhiya yimkin tiHaerib هـِي َ يـِمكـِن تـِحا َر ِب
They might fighthumma yimkin yiharbuhumma yimkin yiHaerboo هـُمّ َ يـِمكـِن يـِحا َربوا


for actions happening now and habitual actions

I fight'ana bahaeribaacnaa baHaerib أنا َ بـَحا َر ِب
We fight'ihna binhaeribiicHnaa binHaerib إحنا َ بـِنحا َر ِب
You(m) fight'inta bithaeribiicnta bitHaerib إنت َ بـِتحا َر ِب
You(f) fight'inti bitharbiiicnti bitHaerby إنت ِ بـِتحا َربي
You(pl) fight'intu bitharbuiicntoo bitHaerboo إنتوا بـِتحا َربوا
He/it(m) fightshuwa biyihaeribhuwa biyiHaerib هـُو َ بـِيـِحا َر ِب
She/it(f) fightshiya bithaeribhiya bitHaerib هـِي َ بـِتحا َر ِب
They fighthumma biyharbuhumma biyHaerboo هـُمّ َ بـِيحا َربوا


for actions that will happen in the future

I will fight'ana hahaeribaacnaa haHaerib أنا َ هـَحا َر ِب
We will fight'ihna hanhaeribiicHnaa hanHaerib إحنا َ هـَنحا َر ِب
You(m) will fight'inta hathaeribiicnta hatHaerib إنت َ هـَتحا َر ِب
You(f) will fight'inti hatharbiiicnti hatHaerby إنت ِ هـَتحا َربي
You(pl) will fight'intu hatharbuiicntoo hatHaerboo إنتوا هـَتحا َربوا
He/it(m) will fighthuwa hayihaeribhuwa hayiHaerib هـُو َ هـَيـِحا َر ِب
She/it(f) will fighthiya hathaeribhiya hatHaerib هـِي َ هـَتحا َر ِب
They will fighthumma hayiharbuhumma hayiHaerboo هـُمّ َ هـَيـِحا َربوا


telling somebody to do something

You(m) fight!haeribHaerib حا َر ِب
You(f) fight!harbiHaerby حا َربي
You(pl) fight!harbuHaerboo حا َربوا

Passive Participle

when something has been acted upon

He/it(m) is foughthuwa muhaeribhuwa muHaerib هـُو َ مـُحا َر ِب
She/it(f) is foughthiya muhaeribahiya muHaeribaö هـِي َ مـُحا َر ِبـَة
They are foughthumma muhaeribeenhumma muHaeribyn هـُمّ َ مـُحا َر ِبين